domingo, 17 de abril de 2011

the most interesting field trip

my favourite field is one of two that was made in the subject "consersavacion de areas degradadas II" that was taugth to us by the teacher "Rodrigo Vargas".
i went in last year, in november after a congress in the city of Valdivia.
in this field trip we learn how to measure the topography levels and diverses metods for measure length with very longs measure tapes to calculate the area of a basin and estimate how much rains fall down in that surface, we learn too a lot of methodologies destined to protect the environment. also we must aplicate this knowledges to design a plan for managing this degraded areas and prevent the progress of the deterioration process that operate in this fields.
i really considered interesting this fields trip because it teach to us how to take care the environment in help of the society. the field trip was in a very poor municipality called "San Pedro de Melipilla" and the people that living in this place was doing a very inportant land use especially cultivating strawberry, with the time these soils were losing his properties, and the production of  vegetals by surface unit was decreasing. with this field trip we learn how to protect and area and the resources that involve.

1 comentario:

  1. Sounds interesting. Have you kept in touch with the people in San Pedro?
